
Friday, September 23, 2011

A Return to Paper Piecing

I thought I was done with English paper piecing for a long while after my hexagon pillow, but then I saw this gorgeous project by Marg.  I hadn't seen the jewel shapes before.  Aren't they great with the hexies and diamonds?
I've had a lot of fun digging through my scraps and fussing cutting each shape.  And did you notice there are no basting stitches?  Marg also shared this magical fabric glue pen.  No basting!  I love this notion.  You can find it online, but if you're local to KC, Bernina on Metcalf has it.  Best. tool. ever.
I found the templates I needed at paperpieces.  Through a mailing mishap, they were kind enough to give me some extras, which I am going to give away.  Want to start a paper piecing project of you own?  Let me know in the comments, and I'll pick a winner Monday morning. Giveaway now closed.


  1. I do, I do! Although comment #1 is notoriously unlucky. And I'm off to check out this glue pen. Skip the basting? Yes, please.

  2. What a fun project. I've dabbled in paper piecing a bit, I would love to give this a try, thank you!

  3. Oh, your paper piecing is just amazing!!! I love all the fussy cut fabric, too. I would definitely love to give it a try.

  4. love the fussy cutting. so cute! thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Those stars are pretty. I love the idea of that glue stick. I've used Lapel Stick but this one looks perfect for small spots. I'll have to check into that.

    I would love to try hexies- haven't given those a try yet so that would be fun. I am thinking about taking some with me to the Sewing Summit and this would get me started!

    Thanks for the chance to win. :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. oh pick me! the reason I haven't made any hexies is because I don't want to cut out all the little paper pieces. I love, love, love your fussy cut hexies and jewels.

  7. I love paper piecing. Those look so fun! Thanks for the chance!

  8. I just finished my first ever (mini!) hexagon project, and I'm ready for more! I love this take on the shape.

  9. I'd love to try! I think that the glue idea is genius too. The new project looks very fun.

  10. This looks like such a fun project. I have not tried paper piecing "yet" but I'm sure that will be changing soon. Thanks so much for sharing with us. :)

  11. Wow, a basting glue pen for english paper piecing??? I need to check this out. I'd also love to win the templates. Your project is looking great!

  12. Thanks for all the great information and links. I love paper piecing, so thanks for the chance. I just found your blog today, I'm now a follower!

  13. Fun! I've only ever paper pieced hexagons. These stars look really neat!

  14. I love your fussy cut gnomes and toadstools!
    Count me in please!!

  15. wow, your fussy cutting patience is incredible! I love doing handwork so I'd probably really enjoy English paper piecing, but I've never given it a try. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. oh. i so want to make those stars!

    and this glue? how do you use it, on the very tippy ends of the edges? and can you really _not baste_? 'cause i'm gonna try to quilt to habitat challenge myself ::gulp::

  17. Oh, this would be just the excuse I need to try paper piecing! It looks so fun!

  18. So you glue them to the paper? How do you get the paper out when you're done?

  19. Oh my goodness! So beautiful... you do such lovely work. I am definitely going to investigate this pen, how awesome is that!?!

  20. Your hexie-jewel stars are adorable!

    I've paper-pieced diamonds, hexies, and pentagons so far, but not those jewels. I love the pattern they make. :)

  21. I love paper piecing and only wish I had more time to do it. I use freezer paper and cut everything out, so the chance to win these is awesome. Thanks.

  22. I Plead Quilty- I couldn't reply via email, since your email is hidden, but let me explain here. The glue is like a glue stick. It is strong enough to baste the shapes, but it is easy to remove the paper when you're ready. The glue isn't that strong, and it will wash out when the quilt is done.

  23. I've never tried paper piercing before but this design looks amazing! I would definitely like to give this a try. Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. Oh my goodness I would love to make stars just like yours! The fussy cutting is fantastic and oh so sweet!

  25. yes, I would try it again with those pretties! I've never seen that jewel shape and I'm a fan too. Lovely stars!!!

  26. Wow love your stars, they are awesome. Love the fussy cutting. I can't believe how many you've made already. That's a great give away but count me out as I already have lots of paper shapes and they would be great for someone who hasn't tried EPP before,

  27. I have done some hexies, but would like to try the other shapes! Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. LOVE the fussy cuts, these look like flowers

    please add me to the draw

  29. I would love to start one!!! What a great bit of information, thanks!!

  30. I would love to try this kind of paper piecing. And thanks for the shout out on the fabric glue pen. They are the bomb!

  31. Those look so cool! I would love to try this!!

  32. I love paper piecing. I'm addicted!

  33. Your fussy-cut jewels are so pretty!!

    I've down hand-sewing and patchwork but I've never tried paper-piecing...

  34. I do I do! Wow they look amazing! I am doing a hexie quilt at the moment and would love to make a sister quilt using this star design. Claire


  35. I've only worked with hexagons so trying a new shape would be fun! Thanks for sharing.

  36. I'd love to try my hand at these star diamond hexy guys. How lovely! Count me in!

  37. I had also seen these pretty shapes around and am really looking forward to starting a lovely project like this! Yours are wonderful!

  38. Those blocks look amazing thanks for the chance to win.

  39. I have been stalking paper piecing posts and tutorials for a couple of months now! I think this post has put me over the edge and I MUST get the supplies now. I'm so YES, I do I do I do want the templates! I have three sons three and under and would LOVE to veg out on the couch with this after they are in bed or napping. Thank you for such a wonderful blog. Yours is one of my top three. -Lisa

  40. OMG! Those are beautiful!! I must know where you got the gnome and toadstool fabric from! I am a *wee* bit obsessed with gnomes and try to get every print I can find :)

    Please let me know! I just found your blog and will be following for sure!

