
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Zip It Pillow

My older son decided he wanted to take on a sewing project this summer, and he chose the Zip It Pillow from School of Sewing. He's done a little sewing before, so he was able to make it mostly on his own, including the lapped zipper (I helped with the rotary cutting and the binding). This is the book to use if you want to learn to sew or to teach someone to sew. Shea's instructions are precise and clear. Remember, I said my eleven year old installed a lapped zipper pretty much on his own. The result is a neat, sturdy pillow that should survive lots of squeezes, tosses, and otherwise affectionate use.
The novelty print is Supernova by Dear Stella, and my son chose this snazzy orange binding as a nice contrast. It turned out perfectly for his room, and he is very proud of his work.


  1. Great looking pillow ~ well done to your son!

  2. Nice job. Last summer my four grandchildren (3,5,7,9) each wanted to sew something so we made purses and stuffed animals. This year the two older have already been here and weren't interested at all. :( I think next year I'll try harder to get a project they'll be motivated to make.

  3. Excellent work for an 11-yr old! I like his fabric choices. Thanks for the tip on the book, I'm excited to teach my granddaughter to sew.

  4. great job!! my boys love to sew too!
