
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pattern and Fabric Winner

The randomly selected winner is comment #7...Debbie!

Blogger Debbie said...
how sweet is that? I would love to recreate....
August 27, 2012 7:11 AM

Congrats Debbie. It's always fun to see someone win who is a frequent commenter too. Debbie has encouraged me a lot over the past year. Thanks! She has her own blog too, A Quilter's Table.  I've sent the pattern to your email, Debbie.  Email me back with your address, and I'll send you the fabric from Fat Quarter Shop.

There are still chances to win the pattern. The Fat Quarter Shop is also choosing three more winners of the pattern today, follow them to keep an eye on their twitter feed today. Thanks for entering everyone!


  1. Congrats to Debbie! It really is a delightful pattern and an inspired use of text prints.

  2. Yay for Debbie. she totally deserves to win! she is so sweet and gets so much stuff done!

  3. Oh thank you! Sorry I got your email before I got to my reader! I'm looking forward to making this little quilt!
