
Monday, July 2, 2012

Free-Motion Quilting, Book Giveaway

I'm so excited to finally have this book in my hands.  I've had it on pre-order since I learned Angela was writing it - a book on free motion quilting from the best known modern machine quilter around!  I've been lucky enough to hear Angela talk about machine quilting before, at guild, so knew her book would make it accessible and fun.
What I love the most about the book is the diagrams that take you step by step through creating a quilting design, along side a photo of that design used in a real quilt.  Angela shows you how to create everything from simple swirls to some of her signature designs like the plume feather.
She even shows you how to combine two or more designs.  How cool is this one?
Angela talks about how, specifically, to quilt elements of the modern quilt.  With all these new ideas, it's a good thing she also explains how to decide which design to choose for your quilt.  This book is a great resource for your quilting library.  I know I'm looking forward to trying some new things on my next quilt.  And can you believe she's already written a second book, due out in December?
Although I paid for my own copy (pre-ordered ages ago!), Angela was nice enough to send me a signed copy to give away to one of you!  US residents please leave a comment telling me your go-to quilting design (don't forget to leave your email address if you are no reply), and I will select a random winner Friday morning. Giveaway now closed.


  1. My go-to design is straight lines, so you can see I need this book!

  2. I'm with Jenny. Straight lines are my go-to!

  3. Same here, I'm stuck on straight lines and need to learn some new tricks!

  4. Sadly, I too do mostly straight lines. Although I have done some on the diagonal...

  5. Sad but I am a straight line girl too. Apparently we all need to get a copy of the book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. A hopeless meander is my go-to, but I'm trying to get a little more creative.

  7. I am all about being more freeeee motion!! I would like to learn more creative designs like Angela!!

  8. I have been wanting this book! Angela is such an inspiration. I am like the other girls and stick to straight lines. I'm so scared I am going to try free motion on a quilt and ruin it!

  9. So far, most everything has been straight lines. But I would love this book to be my key to breaking out of the quilting monotony! Good luck everyone!

    ashleymichelle7281 at yahoo dot com

  10. i definitely need to work on my FMQ. i've just discovered the scallop stitch on my machine and it's my new favorite (even if it is cheating)

  11. Oh, I am desperate to win this! My go to quilt pattern is... random straight lines perhaps. I really don't' have much of a "regular."

  12. This is the book I have been waiting for! Just say no to feathers and bring on modern designs. Thanks for the giveaway, this book looks great.

  13. I'm still a beginner so I don't have a go-to just yet. Still trying to figure out the whole process. I have had Angela's book on my wishlist for as long as I've known about it. I hope I get lucky!! Thanks for the chance.

  14. I always go to meadering. It's fast and covers any non flat mistakes!

  15. I do mostly straight lines. When I do try to free motion then usuall loops. I need lots of practice and tips!

  16. seems we fall into one of two camps: straight line or 'stippling'. i stipple....! i would love to learn more!

  17. Right now, my go-to design is simple, easy stippling, but I'm definitely ready to learn more! I know Angela's book is going to be full of great ideas, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I haven't quite gotten my courage up to try FMQ, but I like to do straight line echo quilting a lot. Thanks for the chance!

  19. I do straight lines. I need more confidence to graduate to the fancy stuff.

  20. My go-to design is anything.. I like to do whatever I feel - even if it doesn't fit with the design of the quilt.

    I could definitely use some better techniques and ideas! I'm very swirly most of the time, because it is EASY!

  21. Go to is straight lines. I have a quilt that is 1/2 stippled (and has been for months)and I'm trying to decide if I should rip it all out or just finish it and chalk it up to practice.

  22. My go to design is called E-Z and that's what it is and it looks great on almost any type of quilt! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this great book!

  23. My go to quilting design is definitely straight lines! I love the look of dense straight line quilting. However, I do need to broaden my abilities a bit. Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. My go to design is a jigsaw stipple, but love learning new patterns! Creating my first modern quilt and would love to have a copy of Angela's book as a resource. Love what I am learning about Angela on the internet blogs and facebook!

  25. this looks amazing!!! My go to quilting style is straight line quilting. I would definitely love to give FMQ a try. Thanks for the chance.

  26. I'm a stippler--I'll throw in a few loops if I'm feeling frisky!

  27. I love to quilt freehand swirls !
    Thanks to you and Angela for a chance to win this book.

  28. Do I EVER need this book...straight line girl here and even that is a challenge!

  29. My go-to us swirls or leaves. I'd like to be able to do more. Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Love this book already but would love to give one away to a friend.

  31. I like echo quilting, even though it's time consuming. I've been practicing my free motion quilting on scraps, though. Maybe one of Angela's designs is my future go-to design! akmajor(at)gmail(dot)ocm

  32. I like wavy lines as something simple but organic looking. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome book.

  33. I usually do straight line quilting as I have to try free motion. Although I'm sure this book would be the motivation to get me started!

    chancyf at gmail (d0t) com

  34. I am just starting to explore FMQ so a large meander is all I am doing. I still love straight line quilting, and will always have quilts that I use that on.

  35. This book is such a good reference and a great "go to" book everytime!

  36. I'm just getting ready to quilt my first one. It'll be straight line, but I love FMQ and can't wait to try it!

  37. I always meander because I don't really have to concentrate. I'd love to do some more difficult fmq!

  38. I need to buy her book for sure! I love wavy line quilting.

  39. I'm a beginner so don't have a go-to yet. I'm ready to learn!

  40. Not sure I have a go-to. Just did a quilt with FMQ flowers so I'm feeling ready to step it up a bit: )

  41. I usually use a stipple or a simple wavy line when I FMQ. Thanks for the giveaway - I am in Canada but I have a US address that you could send my prize to if I were lucky enough to win!

  42. straight lines! do i need this book or what? ;)

  43. I'm really good at pebbles, but tend to use straight lines a little too much. *sigh*

  44. i'm mostly straight lines, but i'd love to branch out!

  45. I am just getting the hang of meandering. I have used straight lines on several quilts and I like them, too.

  46. I'm a fan of long free-form, meandering loops. I would so love to win a copy of Angela's book! Thanks for hosting the give-away, Alex!

  47. Swirls is my go to design. The movement feels natural to me when stitching. The randomness of the sizes always seem to look nice.

  48. I do love meandering. Looks like a wonderful book!

  49. I'm SO waiting for this book to be available in the UK... it can't be long now really... it's only on pre order at the moment. Any day now it will drop on the mat in my house... sigh... can't wait!

    Entering as a surprise for a US friend if I should win. Thanks for the chance!

  50. My new go to is baptist them!

  51. My go to quilting is straight line because that is all I know how to do!

  52. My go to is probably pebble circles...they hide LOTS of errors! But they take forever; I need to learn more patterns.

  53. I'm trying to do more free motion quilting but I still fall back on straight lines for smaller projects.

  54. When I first started quilting I did a lot of meandering but lately I noticed I'm straight line stitching a lot. I definitely want to check out this book!

  55. Sheesh...I can barely do a straight line. I attempted free motion quilting again this last weekend and I don't even want to say how that turned out. So at the moment I'm either doing straight lines or hand stitching, and since I'm finishing up another large quilt soon, I really hope I don't have to stick handstitching again!

  56. I really NEEEEEEEEED this book. And free would be so much better . . . . . .

  57. my go-to is straight line quilting - i definitely need to branch out!

  58. This is a book worth buying. But I'd be satisfied to win it.

  59. I'm a FMQ chicken, so I stick with straight lines and a walking foot at this point. But I must persevere and branch out-literally!

  60. I'm still a beginner, I've been practicing but I don't have a go-to design. I'm just trying to test the limits. I'd love this book, thanks for the chance.

  61. Right now I'm mostly into straight-line, but if it's fmq, then a swirly meander...I would LOVE to have this book!

  62. I will do my first one later this summer, I'm going to be adventurous and meander!

  63. I could really use this book. Need to break out of my straight lines rut!

  64. I typically do straight lines, but this book would help me get out of my comfort zone! Thanks!

  65. i do straight lines too, but i'd give this book to my mom who only quilts by hand!!!

  66. Straight lines or stipples. Can't get away from those. I would really like this book!

  67. I'm just getting back to quilting and I'm looking forward to trying something new. Before I usually stitched in the ditch or 1/4 inch in. Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  68. I'm trying to push myself to try a new quilting technique with each quilt. But a classic meander would definitely be considered my go to when I'm feeling less creative. Thanks for the giveaway I can't wait to get my hands on Angela's book!

  69. My go to would be the cursive letter "L". I always use it in sashings. I guess I use it because it comes naturally! Lol! I've been drooling over this book!

  70. My go-to is loops! Like Loop-di-loops. I'd be super happy if I won her book! Thanks for the giveaway.
