
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scrappy Bibs

I've been pondering how to use the lovely stacks of squares I created from my scraps.  A pillow?  A granny square quilt (just posted today and now on my must make list!)?  Then I remembered a pattern I bought a bit ago that I've been wanting to try.  The Best Bib by JCasa handmade is perfect for these squares because it calls for a 10 x 10 piece of fabric.  Twenty-five squares later you are ready to cut out your bib, or bibs in my case.  I couldn't stop with one!
This is the perfect scrap project.  I used the squares for the top, scrap batting in the middle, larger scraps for the backs and scraps of bindings for the tie. Such a good feeling.
This is also the perfect project to practice your free motion quilting.  It's small and you're done in no time.  Go ahead and try out some new designs.  I quilted each bib differently.  I love the leaves and vines.  My hearts need more work.
These make me pretty happy, and they need to be together, don't you think?  The set is now in my shop.


  1. Ohmygosh those are cute! What an awesome idea and totally rocking the FMQ too. Do you find things like that sell very well on Etsy? I've got to open a shop so I can move along some of my stored away treasures =)

  2. These are adorable! And what a good idea to practice fmq on these.

  3. Oh those are so cute I have been looking for a pattern. My wife is pregnant and due in march.

  4. These are so cute!! Love the rainbow hues...

  5. So cute! This is my fav bib pattern and I love your version.

  6. what a great idea to practice your fmq on these cute bibs! smart smart smart!!!

  7. Beautiful! It looks quick too. It looks like we have the same fabric tastes this week. :)

  8. Too cute! What a fun gift to give someone.

  9. So cute, and the quilting is fantastic!.
