
Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Came Early

A certain online seller sent my gift with the name of the e-reader on the box, and since the surprise was gone, I got my Christmas gift early.  Yeah!  I whipped up this super simple cover.

Isn't the book fabric perfect? It is from the Victoria and Albert Museum collection, along with Essex linen and a print from Mini Mike.
I need to make another cover for my Dad, since he got the same gift.  I think I'll try a strap closure on his.


  1. Awesome...the early gift and the cover for it. You're right, the fabric couldn't be more perfect. :)

  2. That collection with the book fabric is some of my very favorite! I love how it looks on your pouch, how fun to get an early gift.

  3. This is so cute! Perfect fabric.

  4. Hee hee!! Book fabric on a e-reader, you're funny.

  5. Lovely! That is a cute case. I'm sure your dad will love one.

    I was asked to pick out my Christmas gift (no surprises) but I'm not allowed to have it until Christmas. :-)

  6. Completely perfect! I'm toying with purchasing an ebook reader and I can't lie: the idea of being able to make myself a cute cover is a big check in the "pro" column!!

  7. So cute, Alex! I've asked Santa for an e-reader this year too - and I can't wait to make a case for it!

  8. love it! how fun! i love the book fabric and how perfect for your e-reader cover!

  9. I love this fabric & the ereader! I was hoping you could direct me to a place or online shop to purchase the fabric. I looked up the Victoria and Albert collection but didn't get very far. I have a little boy having turning 3 and we are having a party at the library. I have been looking for book fabric, which has proven VERY difficult, in order to make him a shirt. Can you help? Please email me at Thanks-Ashley
