
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bee Top In Progess

I've finally pieced together the blocks from my Bee Lovely flickr group. I wrote more about the block here.

Piecing the top has been quite a challenge, which is mostly my fault for choosing this particular block. It requires a lot of precision; even slight variations in seam allowance and pressing habits make blocks from different sewers tricky to join satisfactorily.I'm thinking of adding a border to make the stars seem to float on a sea of gray.I think hand quilting will be the most forgiving way to go on this top. I think it will also help define the shapes too, since my fabrics are fairly low contrast.
Thanks to the ladies who contributed to this project!


  1. Your quilt is so pretty and soft...just like the blossoming tree behind it and the weathered wood!

  2. I bet it was tough to put that together, but it's looking fantastic.
