
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to Booties

I found this adorable Japanese fabric with tiny little trains on it. I thought I had bibs and booties out of my system, but doesn't this print just beg to be made into cuteness for little baby boys?
I don't have any infants arriving in my life, but maybe you do. In that case, these are now in my shop. If you want to make your own, the booties are made from a pattern by weepereas on etsy, and they are reversible! The alphabet print I used to back the bib is from American Jane's new line, Punctuation.


  1. Those booties are so precious! Did u design them or r they from a pattern?

  2. *sew* sweet!
    love your blog. just found u. i've been quilting for 10+ years and now am crocheting most of the time, been doing that a lot too.

  3. its so super cute!!
    I have a wee bit of that train fabric that i pulled out of my stash today! (seriously!)
    and i get that all the time too, arent you sick of making shoes? buts its still nope!
