
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hand Quilting

I finished hand quilting my son's baby quilt tonight (yes, he is 2 1/2, but to be fair I didn't start making it until he was 18 months old). I find hand quilting relaxing and oddly comforting.

I'm ready to get this quilt done though, so it's on to binding. I found a good tutorial here. It completely eliminates the bulky ending of the traditional method.

More about this quilt and its inspiration when I have finished photos!


  1. Nice! Are his room colors similar? How big is the quilt?

  2. Yes, light blue, tan, and brown are the colors in his room. The quilt is a baby-sized quilt - about 4' x 4'. I'll probably use it as a wallhanging in there, if he'll let me!
