
Monday, November 11, 2019

Metro Link Quilt 2

Who braved the freezing temps and rushing wind to snap a few photos of her quilt? This girl. The phrase about suffering for the sake art came to mind.

I'm happy with the way the quilt came out, especially the choice of backing and binding. I'd been saving the Habitat print for just the right quilt, and I love it with the bright colors of the scraps on the front.  It was begging for a solid yellow binding.
In typical Kansas City fashion, yesterday was sunny and warm. Can you believe I hand stitched the binding outside on the deck, then this?
This is the Metro Link quilt, pattern by Michelle (@ilikeorangetoo on Instagram). I made another version of the quilt several years ago.


  1. You know I love this!! I'm so impressed how quickly it came together for you. I may just put it back on my make list. ;-)

  2. Be still my beating heart! I love everything about this quilt, including the photo shoot!

  3. You ARE such a brave lady! I know KC has had its share of up and down temps and weather, so I can imagine your frustration at one day being able to sit outside to stitch, and the next day dealing with winter cold! But your quilt turned out beautiful, and that picture is stunning! I admire your chutzpah at using yellow for binding. Believe me, it's absolutely perfect on this quilt. I just can't say I would have had the nerve to use it. You're making me think about the binding I'll use on my next quilt. Hope you are enjoying snuggling under this pretty thing. It's wonderful!

  4. Hi, Alex. 12 years later... I love this quilt. I just looked at your other one too; they are both stunning. I have not been able to find the pattern anywhere online. Do you know where I could buy it?
