
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Patchwork and Pillowcase Drive

I pulled some bright, fun prints from my stash to make a few pillowcases. I used the pattern from School of Sewing which I have used before and know holds up beautifully in many washes because it uses french seams. I especially love the burrito method of attaching the cuff (I would never have thought of that on my own in a million years, but it works!). You just need 1 yard (or 3/4 yard and 1/4 yard if you want the cuff to be different from the larger portion of the pillow) and a 2 inch strip x WOF to make each pillowcase.
I know so many of us are concerned about the plight of new immigrants and asylum seekers, particularly at our southern border. Especially heartbreaking are the conditions facing children and families. One organization, the Socorro Foundation, is working to assist families who have been released from detention and are awaiting hearings. Sarah Hunter of LazyCozyQuilts has organized a drive for baby quilts and pillowcases (you can find the specifics here). Each child Socorro serves will receive a pillowcase to keep. It's a small thing to contribute, but I think no act of love or compassion goes unseen.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Improv Art Quilt

Another improv appliqué project, this time pairing appliqué with pieced improv. I have found I really love the process of improv appliqué, from the cutting, to the basting (pictured below), to hand sewing.
I used matchstick quilting which works especially well to lend structure to wall hangings like this art quilt.
Although this shot is from before I hand stitched the facing, you can see the method of binding I chose. A facing is perfect for quilts you want to avoid framing with a binding that would show. I have to admit I find facing a bit tedious though.
On to the next experiment.